
Arknights Who To Choose With The Launch 5 Star Exchange Voucher

    How Can I Pick Only One?!

    As part of the additional rewards for reaching 1,000,000 global Pre-Registrations all players will receive a 5* Operator Exchange Voucher that will allow them to choose one of the following Operators: Silence, Liskarm, Projekt Red, or Pramanix.  In this guide we introduce each of these units and go over their weak and strong points to help you choose the right one for you!
    Before we start, we’ll get some of the universal suggestions out of the way.  
    1. Save this voucher until you finish your initial set of rolls.  This could help you narrow down your choices, since getting a new Operator will be much more helpful than getting a duplicate.
    2. If you really like one of the Operators, absolutely pick her.  Following your heart will prove to be much more enjoyable than any sort of min-maxing.
    3. Choose an Operator in a class where you lack other good options.  
    If you still haven’t decided, then read on!


    Arknights Silence
    Silence is a Single Target Medic who’s second skill allows her to place a healing drone anywhere on the map with an open space.

    Reasons to Choose

    • The ability to place her healing drones anywhere on the map allows her to heal targets that would be out of range for other Medics.
    • She will be useful to players right from the start, as she’s one of the stronger Medics, with both of her skills providing a significant boost to her healing output.
    • She’s the most mecha, and those glasses...

    Reasons not to Choose

    • Healers are generally not quite as strong in current CN end-game content.
    • 4 Star Medic Gavial can be purchased in the Friend Credit Shop.


    Arknights Liskarm
    Liskarm is a DPS Defender with Arts damage and Resistance. Her pistol gives her an extended range and the ability to hit airborne targets.

    Reasons to Choose

    • A DPS oriented Defender with Arts damage and an extended range will help to complete early and mid game maps more quickly.
    • After promotion to Elite1, she charges up her own skills as well as skills of allies around her when she is attacked .
    • She has the most comfortable shoes.

    Reasons not to Choose

    • Other Defenders of equal or lower rarity are better at the core tank role of defending and surviving.
    • Her second skill, while very useful, has the unfortunate penalty of stunning Liskarm after it ends. This makes it easy for inexperienced players to use at a bad time, resulting in enemies getting through.

    Projekt Red

    Arknights Projekt Red
    Projekt Red is a Special Class Operator with Fast-Redeploy and Crowd-Control.  She fills the role of assassin, helping take out high-value targets or interrupting dangerous enemy abilities. After completing her mission she retreats to safety, ready to be deployed again moments later.  She can also be used to delay enemy advancement, or to eliminate enemies that get through the front line.

    Reasons to Choose

    • Her niche role is very useful in the mid to late game.
    • There are no lower-rarity operators that can fill her role as a Fast-Redeploy DPS.
    • She has the warmest coat and packs the sharpest knives.

    Reasons not to Choose

    • She is not particularly useful in early game.
    • Using her efficiently requires some practice, making her not very beginner friendly.
    • While Projekt Red can provide DPS, she doesn’t have much in terms of defense. Defensive Redeploy needs are better filled by lower rarity Operator Gravel.
    • Due to being a rare 5* Operator, many players won’t be able to upgrade her Potential, resulting in a higher DP cost that will grow with every redeployment in battle.


    Arknights Pramanix
    Pramanix is a Debuff Support unit that specializes in decreasing enemy Defense and Resistance or Attack Speed, while also increasing their damage taken at low health.  

    Reasons to Choose

    • She has unique Debuffs that can be useful against high Defense/Resistance Bosses or Elite enemies.
    • Her large range and relatively low DP cost mean she’s able to provide Arts damage in the early stages of a battle.
    • She has the fluffiest tail.

    Reasons not to Choose

    • She is not particularly useful in early game.
    • Her debuffs aren’t very useful against bosses with high HP and her ATK is quite low, resulting in DPS units often being prioritized over her.

    Source :

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