
Arknights Reroll Tier List and Guide

Who Should I Reroll For?

There are two reasons for rerolling.

1)  Roll for Favorites

Rerolling for your favorite character is never a bad idea since stages can be cleared with leveled lower rarity operators and proper strategy.  Check out our list of Operators here and pick your favorite today! If they are in the Newbie Banner pool, you're in luck!

2) Roll for a specific or two 6*s

Since the Newbie Gacha guarantees a 6* Operator, rerolling for another 6* or targeting a specific 6* is an effective strategy that can see returns through late game.  Do note all the Newbie Gacha 6*'s are strong, just that some need more investment than others before hitting their power spike. This reroll tier list is for new players who have less materials to invest and are looking for the most resource-efficient start to carry them through all stages of the game.

Reroll Tier List

Tier 1
Note: All 6 stars in this list EXCEPT Eyjafjalla are available through the 6* Newbie Gacha Pool.
 SilverAshExusiai and Silverash are both strong Operators that are effective for carrying new players and only get stronger with investment. Either one will be a boon to reroll for, but having both will provide the easiest experience.
Eyjafjalla is one of the strongest Casters in the game with amazing AoE damage. She is worth rerolling for, but do note she is far more difficult to obtain due to not being in the Newbie Gacha.
Tier 2
 SiegeSiege and Hoshiguma are both very strong units, but have lower rarity counterparts who can perform similar roles. Despite this they are still strong picks and do their job very well.
Tier 3
 ShiningShining and Angelina are both units who don't shine until unlocking their third skill after Elite 2. Although they can still fulfill the role of Medic/Supporter (respectively), they will not be operating at their full potential for newer players without extended investment.

How to Reroll

Before You Reroll
Recruitment Rates
First, make sure that the account created is a "Guest Account."  Guest accounts can be bound later on to a service of choice, and offer the most flexibility for rerolling.
*Note: the first 10-roll on any normal banner will guarantee a 5* or a 6* Operator.  It is recommended for Doctors to save up enough Orundum to roll the Guarantee instead of spending everything on one banner.
When Can I Reroll?
Make sure to pick the all the beginning goodies!  They can be picked up from the Mailbox (top left corner Envelope Icon)
Rerolling with the Pre-Register Bonuses grants:
  • 8 Originite Prime (Can convert to 180 Orundum/ Originite Prime, or 1440 Orundum)
  • 3800 Orundum from Beginner's Supply (enough to 10-roll the Newbie Gacha). 
  • 3 Head Hunting Permits.  Each one is worth one summon on a Standard Banner, or 600 Orundum.
The earliest possible reroll is at Mission 0-1.  Rather than doing the mission, rerollers can click on the gear on the top left and retreat, and continue going back on the menu until hitting the home screen.  Then they can collect the 3800 Orundum and reroll the newbie Banner.  This should take roughly 10 minutes skipping the dialogue.
Completing 0-1 however yields an additional 600 Orundum.  By completing 0-1 and retreating from TR-1 instead, rerollers can convert 5 Originite Prime to Orundum for a bit over 6000 Orundum, enough to roll the Standard Rotation Banner for non-Newbie Pool Operators.  This takes a few more minutes, but offers better flexibility.
Do note that Originite Prime is the most premium currency and can also be used to buy Skins, Premium Level Packs, or Sanity refills.  These cannot be bought with Orundum.  Think carefully before converting.  
Newbie/Discount Reroll
  • Pros: Quick, Effective, and Cheaper than normal summons.  Guarantees one 5* and 6* Operator. 
  • Cons: Limited 5* and 6* Operator Pool.  Limited to 21 pulls total.
The Newbie Banner will be the most reliable way of getting two 6* Operators, with a total of 21 rolls possible before it disappears.  This consists of the single summon Tutorial roll, plus 20 rolls afterwards. The first 10 rolls will have a guaranteed 6* Operator, and a 5* is guaranteed within the 21 rolls. 
newbie banner
Since one 6* is guaranteed in the Newbie Gacha, it is feasible to reroll in hopes of landing both a guaranteed and bonus 6* in the first 10-roll.  Any more will be statistical hell. Although this will take slightly longer in the short run, it is easier overall due to rolling more at once. 
Alternatively, Players can also try to reroll the tutorial roll for faster reroll times in the short run, but keep in mind that will consume the guaranteed 6* on the Newbie Banner.
Rotation/Event Banners (aka Hardmode)
  • Pros: Chance of obtaining non-newbie pool 5* and 6* Operators.
  • Cons: Takes longer to complete.  Costs more Orundum. Requires converting Originite Prime, a precious premium resource.  Miniscule chances of a specific non-rateup 6* Operator (.125% on launch on average). Doesn't guarantee a 6* Operator on the first 10-pull.
This method is for players who are willing to go through more reroll hell for a shot at any other non-Newbie Pool Operator. 
After completing the tutorial and doing 4 more new missions, players should have received enough Originite Prime to convert into Orundum for a total of 6000 Orundum, enough for a 10-roll on a Standard Banner.  Headhunting Permits will reduce the number of missions required by 600 Orundum per permit; all 10 rolls don't necessarily need to be done at once.
Since the first 10-roll of a Rotation/Event Banner will guarantee a 5 or 6 star, rerolling this method isn't as bad in theory.  The Newbie Gacha will still be available for another guaranteed Newbie Pool 6* once players save up 3800 Orundum.
However, the guarantee is a 5 star OR 6 star, and the relative boosted rates are unknown.  At worst, the average non-guarantee and non-rateup recruitment for a 6* is .125% on launch and only goes down from there.  That's hell you're walking into. You masochist.
Of the launch characters 6* Ifrit, Eyjafjalla, Nightingale, and Saria are not available through tutorial rolls.

Resetting Data for Rerolling

Rerolling involves resetting the User Data on the game in order to roll again with a fresh account.  This can be done in a couple of different ways depending on the platform.

Data Clearing

Android (Phone): 
Step 1) In Settings, Go to the Apps and Notifications > Arknights > Storage and Cache.  Clear App Data.  The App should still take up around 1 GB.
Step 2) Reset Advertising ID.  Got to Settings > Google > Ads > Reset Advertising ID.
1) Go to Settings > Privacy > Advertising (bottom-most menu) > "Reset Advertising Identifier"
Note - there are reports of errors and bugs for physical phone rerolls.  A full data clear, reinstall, and reset id should work in most cases.  Apple Users seem to have the most trouble getting a fresh start, most likely due to iCloud backing up App Data/settings. We are investigating this and will get back right away.
Update: (Android) It is a known and common bug that clearing data and cache will result in a black screen when attempting to start up Arknights.  This commonly occurs on Android 7
Update: (iOS) Even with a full reinforced uninstall involving signing out of iCloud, disabling all iCloud related services, and deleting the iCloud based information, and "re-buying" the App on the App store, the Guest Account somehow persists.

Dummy Binding/SALT Abuse

Aptly named, this requires a SALT-compatible email address (like gmail).  The gist of this method is that SALTing an email address makes it appear as a different email address for the purpose of rerolling while only requiring one email address.  This allows people to bind multiple Yostar accounts to one address.  The downside is that this weighs you with the conscience of having multiple Yostar accounts that will never be used again.
1) Make sure the Account is a Guest Account.
2) On the top Left of the Main Menu there should be a Gear.  This is the Settings Menu.  On the Accounts tab, players can choose to Bind an Account by a service of their choice (i.e. Yostar, Twitter, Facebook, or Apple.  Do note that Apple is only available in iOS devices).  Be careful about Binding Accounts though, since it is currently bugged and unable to be bound.
3) Bind to a Yostar Account.  When entering the email, enter, where x is any number.  For example, if the email is, the entered email would be, and a different number for any future rerolls.
4) Log Out.  The option should also be in the same account menu, near the bottom.
5) On the Main Screen, select Guest Account and create another account.


Emulators are currently the most highly recommended option for rerolling due to their robustness at controlling data and removing accounts.  They also offer lots of flexibility and ease due to tools like multi-instance emulation.  Please make sure that your methods do not break the Arknights game ToS.
As for which emulator to use, there are a few different options possible - 
  • Nox - Nox supports multi-instance emulation.  Make sure Nox is using Android 7 when setting up the instance, as Android 5 cannot reset Google ID.  Resetting data is the same process as on the phone.
  • MuMu - MuMu allows rerolling by simply clearing App Data.

What Do I Do When I get the Account I Want?

Bind that account right away!

Alternatives to Rerolling: Modest Proposal(s)

For those concerned with currency efficiency and can spare the wait, the best chance for non-newbie pool Operators are on their rateup banners.  The massively increased rates are well worth the real-life sanity and time spent rerolling.  

5 Star Voucher!

Pre-registration Bonuses also include a 5* Operator Exchange Voucher for Pramanix, Projekt Red, Liskarm, or Silence.  Check out our guide here for more info!

Operator Shop

There is also an Operator Shop where a specific 6* operator can be recruited for 180 Certificates.  Since newbies get a Professional Certificate for every new Operator recruited, this is roughly 1-2 months worth of certificates for those who buy the monthly cards and roll.  Do note that Eyjafjalla and Exusiai are not available in the 6* shop in Arknights CN. Since Eyjafjalla is also unavailable in the tutorial rolls, the best way to get her would be to wait for her rateup banner, "Dancing Lava".   Additionally, caution is advised when buying 5* Operators from the shop early on since they will be relatively common throughout a player's career.  However, Doctors who really want a specific 5* Operator without RNG should buy them without regret.
The Operator shop, where Operators can be recruited, and other resources like Potential Tokens, Headhunter Tickets, and Expedited Plans are available.

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