
Bloodmarket and Items

-Bloodmarket and Items-
The Bloodmarket is where u can purchase items by using "Blood Points" ( or BPs for short) that u can acquire after each game. The items are:
- Tool boxes
- Med kits
- Flashlight 
- BPs bonus offerings
- Keys for Hatch
- Parts for generators or flashlights 
- Map offerings 
- Rare items ( Red colored Icon)
And more. 

Make sure to buy items that can be useful to u. Each time u buy an item, the items that u didnt purchase will be taken by the Entity and u won't be able to get that item. 

Each of these items can be useful in game. U can also put extra items in "Add-ons"  ( for example ) to help fix generators faster or put more power into the flashlights. 

Also, there are chests within the game that contain items. U can use these items if ur durability is low on the item that u have currently or don't have at all. If the game was successful, u can also keep the item that u found. 

But, these items can be easily lost if the game was unsuccessful and the killer won. So be aware of this. 

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