
The market smelled of burning incense and rotting cabbage.
Ahri wrapped her cloak around her nine tails and fiddled with her twin sunstone tokens to distract herself from the stench, rolling them between her fingers and snapping them together. Each one had the shape of a blazing flame, but they were carved in such a way that their sharper edges fit together, forming a perfectly smooth orb. She had carried the golden stones since before she could remember, though she had no knowledge of their origin.
Though Ahri was in a new environment, she was comforted by the latent magic buzzing all around her. She passed a stand with dozens of woven baskets filled to the brim with polished rocks, shells etched with legends from a seafaring tribe, gambling dice carved from bones, and other curious items. Nothing matched the style of Ahri’s sculpted tokens.
“Care for a gem to match the blue of the skies?” asked the gray-bearded merchant. “For you, I’ll trade a cerulean bauble for the cost of a single cryraven feather, or perhaps the seed of a jubji tree. I’m flexible.”
Ahri smiled at him, but shook her head and continued through the market, sunstones in hand. She passed a stand covered in spiky orange vegetables, a child selling fruit that shifted color with the weather, and at least three peddlers swinging tins of incense, each of whom claimed to have discovered the deepest form of meditation.
“Fortunes! Come get your fortunes told!” called a young woman with lavender eyes and a soft jawline. “Find out who you’ll fall in love with, or how to avoid unlucky situations with a pinch of burdock root. Or if you’d prefer your future left to the gods, I’ll answer a question about your past. Though I do recommend finding out whether or not you’re at risk for death by poisoning.”
A tall vastaya with feline ears was about to take a bite of a spiced pastry. He froze and stared at the fortune teller in alarm.
“The answer is no, by the way. Yours for free,” she said, curtsying at him before turning to Ahri. “Now, you look like you’ve had a dark and mysterious past. Or at least some tales worth sharing. Any burning questions for me, lady?”
Beneath heavy layers of incense, Ahri paused at the scent of wet fur and spiced leather lingering at the woman’s neck.
“Thank you, but no,” she replied. “I’m still looking around.”
“You won’t find any more Ymelo tokens in this market, I’m afraid,” the woman said, nodding to Ahri’s sunstones. “Like the ones you have.”
The back of Ahri’s neck prickled and she drew closer to the woman. She would not let her excitement get the better of her. “Do you recognize these? Where do they come from?”
The woman eyed Ahri.
“I think they’re Ymelos, anyway,” she said. “Never seen a pair in person. He only carved a small number in his time, and many of the sets were separated in the war. Dead rare, those.”
Ahri leaned closer with each word.
“I’m Hirin, by the way,” the woman said.
“Do you know where I might find this craftsman?” Ahri asked.
Hirin laughed. “No idea. But if you come in I’ll tell you what I know.”
Ahri wrapped her cloak around her shoulders and eagerly followed the fortune teller past her booth, and into a caravan decorated wall to wall with animal skins.
“Tea?” Hirin said. “I brewed it this morning.”
She poured two cups of liquid the color of plum wine, taking one for herself. The tea tasted of bitter oak bark, masked by a cloying dollop of honey. Hirin held out a hand for the stones but Ahri kept them close.
“I’m getting the sense that these are special to you,” she said with a wry smile. “Don’t worry, I have no interest in peddling stolen sunstones. Bad for a girl’s reputation.”
“Can you tell me where they come from?” asked Ahri, handing them over gingerly.
Hirin held them up to the light.
“These are beautiful,” she said. “I don’t know how they fit together so perfectly. I’ve not seen the like.”
Ahri said nothing. She stood frozen with curiosity, and did not take her eyes off the woman.
“Legend says the sculptor known as Ymelo collected fossilized lizard eggs from a thousand thousand years ago that he carved into intricate shapes. These ancient lizards lived long before the Ghetu Sea dried up to a desert, leaving only petrified bones and dust.”
Hirin coughed, and Ahri detected a bitter note upon her breath, as if she had been drinking vinegar.
“Ymelo stones are designed as small pieces that fit into a larger sculpture,” she continued.
The woman dangled the golden pieces in front of Ahri’s face.
“Just as your past has left you with information to be desired, these stones may have many more parts that, when combined, create another shape altogether. Who knows what you’ll become when you track down your history. With the missing pieces, you may learn more than you’d like.”
“Those are pretty words,” Ahri murmured, staring at the woman.
After a moment of silence, Hirin chuckled. “Some threads of truth, threads of my own invention. A fortune teller’s weaving must be seamless.”
The woman retrieved a hunter’s knife from a cabinet.
“I weave in just enough of what you desire to make you stay,” she said. “’Til the tea slows your muscles, that is.”
A low growl escaped Ahri’s lips. She would tear this woman apart. She tried to pounce, but her limbs did not obey. She was rooted in place.
“Oh, there’s no need for that, lady. I only need a single tail. Useful for a variety of potions, you see, and extremely valuable. Or so I think. Never seen a vastaya with fox tails before. The tea freezes any pain, along with your… mobility.”
Hirin wrapped a bandage around one of Ahri’s tails. Ahri tried to resist, but she still could not move.
“You’ll wake up tomorrow, good as new!” said the woman. “Well, with one less tail. Do you really use all nine?”
Ahri shut her eyes and reached out to the reservoirs of magic around her. The environment had plenty ripe for the taking, but she was too weakened by the tea to draw them to her. Instead she reached into Hirin’s mind, which was far more malleable, and pushed.
Ahri opened her eyes and stared hard into Hirin’s. They deepened from lavender to violet.
“Hirin,” she said. “Come closer. I would look into the face of the one who tricked me.”
“Of course, lady,” Hirin replied, transfixed. The woman’s voice sounded hollow, as though it came from the bottom of a well.
She leaned in until her face was only inches away. Ahri inhaled, drawing essences of the woman’s life from her breath.
...Hirin was a young girl hiding, hungry and afraid, beneath a market stall. Two men argued above, looking for her. She had nothing but empty coffers to show for her days’ work...
Ahri continued to drain Hirin’s life, sampling memories of raw emotion. They felt rich in Ahri’s mouth, and she relished each unique flavor of emotion.
...Hirin told the fortune of a witch doctor shrouded in veils, receiving a copper for her troubles. She used the coin to buy a piece of bread, which she devoured in seconds…
...In a seedy tavern, a raucous group played cards. A man with eyebrows resembling butterfly wings gambled a golden Ymelo stone while Hirin watched from the shadows…
...Hirin tracked Ahri as she walked through the market. One of her fox tails peeked from beneath her cloak. She drew the vastaya into her caravan—
Ahri stopped, her head spinning with renewed vigor. With each memory she stole from Hirin, she felt energy rush back into her weakened muscles, cleansing them of the poison.
Strengthened once more, she slowly shook her limbs awake, and flexed her tails with a shiver. They tingled with pinpricks.
Hirin stood wide-eyed and dazed, still very much alive. It was she that would wake tomorrow, good as new—less a few memories that she would not miss.
With knowledge of the woman’s life, Ahri’s rage had faded. She brushed her hand against the fortune teller’s cheek, then wrapped her cloak tightly around her shoulders and stepped out into the sunlit market.
Hirin would not remember her, or their encounter. But Ahri had left the trade with a name to hunt—Ymelo—and the image of the man with soft-winged eyebrows was burned in her mind.

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Survivors Strategies

-Survivors Strategies-
- Looking around and Heart beats-

When spawning into the game, first thing to do is find a generator but be cautious when walking, crouching, or running toward it. Make sure to use ur camera to look around u or use this icon below to help u look.
Once u find a generator and begin to work on it, continue to look around ur surroundings and be careful of ur skill checks. Just by doing this, u can easily spot the killer if he/she is coming towards ur direction.  

Listen to ur heart! The heart beat sound and the red glow of ur heart is a killer detector. If the killer is heading ur way and  u see/hear ur heart beating and glowing slowly, slowy get of the gen and slowly crouch toward the nearest object and hide and make sure the killer doesn't see u as they pass by.  Use ur environment and objects around u such as trees, big rocks, walls, barrels, and crates. 

If the killer spots u, run. As ur being chased, make sure that u look behind u. That way u can see what the killer is going to do.


Pallets can be used to slow down, stun the killer, or save someone from being hooked or picked up. The most common problem with some survivors is using pallets too early and wasting them which can give the killer a higher advantage towards u and ur fellow teammates. Pallets require timing and the killer needs to be close enough to it. As i mentioned before, looking behind u as ur being chased by the killer can be beneficial if ur close to a pallet. That way u can tell whether the killer respects the pallet or not. U can also pallet/window loop and distracted the killer while ur teammates gets all the gens done. 

Flashlights are very useful but can be hard to use for some survivors. Flashlights require timing, the right angle, and distance between u and the killer. Flashlights can be used to blind the killer for a short period of time and can be used to save a fellow teammates from being taken to a hook or being picked up. Using a pallet to stun the killer and using a flashlight after can beneficial and gives u time. NOTE: the killer can look up and avoid the flashlight, look at a wall, look at a different direction of ur flashlight, and can rely on sound to find u when blinded. Do not use the flashlight at close enough range where the killer can hit u. 

-Tool Box-
Tool boxes r mostly used to help speed up gen repair and sabotage hooks. All hooks within the map u spawn can be sabotaged except the basement hooks. Once a hook is sabotaged, it takes a decent amount of time before it respawns back. Add-on items such as parts can help aid with the actions. 

Keys play an important roll. Keys can open up the hatch for u and ur teammates escape when a certain amount of gens r done. Keep in mind that if a killer sees u with a key, they will stop at nothing to get u hooked or moried firsted. 

-Hatch Standoff-
Nothing is more intense than a Hatch Standoff between u and the killer. The odds between the two of u can be 50/50. U can try to get the killer to loop or hit u if ur fully healed. The killers animation time after hitting u can buy u enough to jump into the hatch. If u have Ds (  Decisive strike perk), u can use it to escape the killer's grasp but the killer may know that u have it and will either juggle u or randomly hit something to cause u to miss the skill check. 

-Killer campers-
If u come across a killer thats camping a survivor on a hook, best thing to do is to not go for the save righ away. The best thing to do is to do gens. The killer will waste time by camping and will get less BPs at the end of the game. If u and the rest of ur teammates goes for the save at the same time, it will give the killer an opportunity to down all of u. 

Lockers have been around since the beginning of DBD. Survivors can use lockers to hide from the killer if the killer is nearby or in a chase. Lockers can put u at disadvantage since lockers can make noise that alert the killer of ur location. The perk "Quick and Quiet" can aid u when jumping into a locker. U can also stun the killer if u have the perk "Head On". Just be careful when going into lockers. Killers can open and drag u out, putting u into the dying state and u will be hooked.

Within the map, there r 4 little Skulls and bones structures hidden in corners behind objects r called Totems. Totems r the killer's perks. U can cleanse these totem, causing totem to break which will shut of one of the killer's perks. Some totems will glow yellow which usually means its a Hex Totem. Hex Totems can become a problem to u and ur teammates at the beginning or close at the end of the game and will prevent u from doing ur tasks. Be careful of breaking certain Hex Totems. Depending on the killer's perk, a Hex totem can expose u and ur teammates auras to the killer. Killers will also know when a totem is being touched and will alert the killer of ur location. If the killer finds u touching their totems, they will stop at nothing until ur hooked or moried to protect their totem ( mostly Hex Totems they will protect ).  "Haunted grounds", "Hex Rune", and "NOED" ( No One Escapes Death ) r usually the ones that r mostly use by killers. Don't break the Hex Totems unless u absolutely have to to prevent from getting one hitted by killer or prevent the Entity from blocking the gens.

This is an item call Maps. When taking this item with u into a game, it allows u to read the map and locate gens and chests only u can see within an 8 meter radius. U can use add-ons to extend the durability, range, and allow other teammates to see where everything is. It can reveal the Hatch if ur the last survivor left.

Bloodmarket and Items

-Bloodmarket and Items-
The Bloodmarket is where u can purchase items by using "Blood Points" ( or BPs for short) that u can acquire after each game. The items are:
- Tool boxes
- Med kits
- Flashlight 
- BPs bonus offerings
- Keys for Hatch
- Parts for generators or flashlights 
- Map offerings 
- Rare items ( Red colored Icon)
And more. 

Make sure to buy items that can be useful to u. Each time u buy an item, the items that u didnt purchase will be taken by the Entity and u won't be able to get that item. 

Each of these items can be useful in game. U can also put extra items in "Add-ons"  ( for example ) to help fix generators faster or put more power into the flashlights. 

Also, there are chests within the game that contain items. U can use these items if ur durability is low on the item that u have currently or don't have at all. If the game was successful, u can also keep the item that u found. 

But, these items can be easily lost if the game was unsuccessful and the killer won. So be aware of this. 

Survivors and Perks

Survivor And Perks

Currently, there are 15 survivors to choose from. 

Each survivors have different perks that help aid u in the game. As u progress within the game, the survivor that u play as will level up and will get new perks the more u level. Both killer and survivor have teachable perks that can be use with other killers or survivors at certain level. 

To know what each perk does, just simple tap and hold on the perks icon and the information will pop up to the right side of the screen.

Use or test builds that will fit ur play style and help ur team. 

Pet Forms, Level, Evolution

Dragon Raja Pets

We have been covering the Dragon Raja game for a while now. If you are playing this game, then make sure to use this site’s search box and type Dragon Raja to check all the coverage. This post is gonna be all about Dragon Raja pets. When you reach the character class level 50, you unlock the pet function and the first pet you get for free is Adams. As of now, Dragon Raja game features six pets and for each pet, there is a unqiue way of acquisition.

Dragon Raja Pets: –
Adams – Light
Tamago Cat – Dark
Konniski – Light
Abyss Dragon – Dark
Kuma II – Dark
Elisa – Light
Adams inflict AoE Physical DMG to all the enemies with the ultimate skill.

You get this pet for free 

Tamago Cat
Tamago Cats inflict heavy magic damage to the target area.

You can buy this pet from the mall in exchange for diamonds – at level 65
You can read this Dragon Raja guide to learn how to get diamonds.

Konniski pet in Dragon Raja inflicts heavy magic damage to the foes.

You can get this pet from the shop just like Tamago Cat – but when you reach the level 75
Abyss Dragon
Abyss Dragon can inflict physical damage to the target area with the ultimate ability that summons a geyser.

You need to complete How to Train your Dragon – NightWatcher quest
Kuma II
Kuma II is one of the pets in Dragon Raja – with the ability to inflict AoE Magic Damage.

Reach level 85 in the game and get this pet from the pet shop
Elisa does heavy physical damage.

In Cassell College, head to 293, 314 Co-Ordinates and interact with School Board Mysterious character. There you can exchnage the coins with Elisa pet
Dragon Raja Pet Forms: –
In Dragon Raja, all the Pets have three forms; Child From, Adult Form, and Ultimate Form. A pet starts from Child From, then grows to Adult, and then Ultimate Form. The player needs to evolve the pet and grow enough to reach these forms. At each form, pets get new support skills. Dragon Raja Pets.

Evolve Dragon Raja Pets

Tap the menu button(+) on the right-center -> pets. Select the pet. Tap the pet food bowl button and use Nutrients. You can get Nutrients from the Clawer machine at Cassell College. Or buy from the store in exchange for diamonds. In the stats tab of the pet, under the level up evolution section, pay attention to the growth rate. When the pet reaches the max growth, he will transform and adopt a new pet form.

Tap the Tap to evolve button when the pet reaches max growth. This will take you another screen where you will need Evolution Genes to complete the evolution process. You can get the Evolution Genes from Clawer machine in Cassell College or from the store or using the Secret Key.

How To Increase Pet Ratings?

You need to feed nutrients to the pet ratings. Every time you feed nutrients to the pet, you will see a rise in his pet ratings.

Summon And Recall Dragon Raja Pets
Head to the pet menu -> select the pet -> tap the recall button in the bottom-center or on the bottom-left side of the stats tab. This will recall the pet. Tap the summon button to bring the pet into action.

Head to the Squad tab in the pet menu to add pets by element. In Dragon Raja, you can bring one light element and one dark element to the action.

So this would be all in this post on Dragon Raja Pets. If you have more questions on the Dragon Raja Pet system comment below.

How To Get The Outfit?

Wondering how to get outfits in Dragon Raja? Read on for Dragon Raja Outfits guide – Wings of Loki, Dreamy Rondo – Clothes, etc. Dragon Raja Outfits
Dragon Raja Outfits: –

There are over 25 Outfits in Dragon Raja for the available classes. Players can unlock these Outfits and equip to the character classes to increase Beauty. When the Beauty level rises, you will get the Glamor Title Bonus, which gives additional attributes/score to the character. Also, there are lots of Outfit growth titles that you can unlock by unlocking a certain number of Dragon Raja Outfits.

How To Check All The Outfits?
On the right-center of the game screen, you have to tap the + button to open the menu. Then select Wardrobe -> there you can check all the Outfits. Tap on an Outfit to see its requirement to unlock it. For example – You can get Wings of Loki Outfit when you reach level 60 or higher.

List of Dragon Raja Outfits And How To Get Them:
Awaken – Free
Dreamy Aurora – Complete College Outfit Main Quest
Star of Cassell Clothes – College Outfit Main Quest
Glazed Wind – Obtain Kimono MQ
Battle Uniform – Underwater Combat Outfit MQ
Wings of Loki – Level 60 +
Dreamy Rondo – Level 60+
Witch’s Game – Level 70+
Black Cat’s Kiss – Level 80+
Cyber Hunter – Exchange 3600 Emblems(Gabi Brians in Cassell College)
Code 007 – Level 90+
Pure Oracle – 27th Log in Day
Scarlet Fragments – 3rd Day Log in reward
Shining Stars – Newbie Pack
Moonlight Waltz – Fight Medal Rewards
Evil Pact
Cassell Uniform – Become Basketball Team Member
Go Mr. Casual – Store or Haunted Night – Yuki-Onna’s Gift
Black & White -Exchange 1250 Study Points
Wanton Youth – Mall
Young and Wild – Exchange with Wold Tree Emblem(Daily Offer – Premium)
Nightwalker – Top Up
Beach Party
Rose-Cross Gattuso’s Feast
Sakura’s Return – TLEs
Fiery Storm – Lucky Tarot Event
Brilliant Youth
Unbounded – Mall
Party Mood – Bond Party
So these all are the Dragon Raja Outfits.

Outfit Shards:
You must use the outfit shards to unlock the outfit or equip the outfit to the character. For example – on day 3, you get Scarlet Fragment outfit shards. Tap the box button below the quests or right-center of the game screen. This will open the inventory where you have to tap the outfit shards and use them to complete the outfit acquisition process.

So this would be all in this post on Dragon Raja Outfits. Each outfit gives you beauty score points that increase the Glamor level/fancy title and gives bonus stats.

A FAIR TRADE BY RAYLA HEIDE The market smelled of burning incense and rotting cabbage. Ahri wrapped her cloak around her nine ta...